Friday 22 April 2016

Maner Sharif: Haven For Sufis

The Sufism in its totality – songs and philosophy – now has gained popularity not only in India or the Indian sub-continent but all over the world.

The magnificence of the spirit of Sufism became crystal clear to me the moment I glanced at the grand mausoleum of Hazrat Makhdoom Shah Yahyah Maneri. Maner owes its name from this great sufi saint who brought a socio-cultural cum religious revolution centuries ago.

Located exactly 25 km away from Patna on the right hand side of the highway, the importance of this sufi centre (Maner Sharif) became evident to me when I found a group of foreigners taking snaps of the mausoleum that was described as the best piece of Mughal era in Bihar by the British scholar-historian Buchanan.

Intruding in their discussion, I asked a young man that to which country he belonged and what brought him here. I came to know that he is from far off USA and the call of his spiritualism made him cross seven seas to come to Maner which was once visited by Emperor Jehangir for the same purpose.

At the time of Jehangir’s rule, Maner was extremely famous for its courteous people, sufi saints and Khanqahs (Islamic schools imparting religious education). In those days the scholars, Sufis and Rais (feudal lords) visited Maner Sharif both for pilgrimage and take lesson from the great scholars.

Hazrat Makhdoom was a renowned Pir and his fame had spread even to far off places. After his demise, a “mazaar” was built over his grave and one of his family members was in charge of its upkeep. The tradition continues even today. The construction took two years and was completed in 1616 AD. Red and yellow stones were brought from Chunar for the purpose.

The influence of Mughal art is clearly visible in the “makbara” and the building architecture. It is worth mentioning here that at this time the Mughal architecture had began influencing the architecture of other areas. The makbara with massive entrance is the beautiful example.

During my daylong sojourn here, I found people coming with a variety of purposes. Some to offer “chadder” at the “dargah”, some for picnic, some to see the wonderful architecture and some to do historical researches.

Maner is also very famous for its Laddoo made of pure ghee. Importance of this sweatmeat became glaringly clear when I found people thronging at the Laddoo shops. Befitting the sweatness of the Laddoos, the experience of a visitor at Maner would also be very sweat.

Getting There: 25 km from Patna (one can hire a taxi to go to Maner and return the same evening well easily to Patna).
By Air: nearest airport is Jaiprakash Narayan International Airport, Patna
By Rail: nearest junction is Patna Junction
Where to stay: there are lot of hotels in Patna suiting every pocket and taste.

Friday 15 April 2016

भरतपुरा लाइब्रेरी: दुर्लभ पाण्डुलिपियों की खान

शहर की आबादी से मीलों दूर निपट गांव में स्टेनगनधारी पुलिसकर्मियों से घिरी एक पुरानी इमारत में ढेर सारे अमूल्य दुर्लभ ग्रन्थ, प्राचीन तथा मुगलकालीन सचित्र पाण्डुलिपियां, पंचमार्क से लेकर मुगलकालीन सोने के सिक्के किसी को भी विस्मित कर सकती है। यह ऐसी है ही।

राजधानी पटना से करीब 50 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर नक्सल प्रभावित दुल्हिन बाजार प्रखंड के भरतपुरा गांव स्थित गोपालनारायण पब्लिक लाइब्रेरी कहने भर को ही लाइब्रेरी है। यह अमूल्य एवं दुर्लभ सचित्र पाण्डुलिपियों की खान है। यहां फिरदौसी का शाहनामा, निजामी का सिकन्दरनामा, अमीर हम्जा का दास्तान-ए-अमीर हम्जा, दसवीं सदी के जरीन रकम, अलहुसैनी, शिराजी तथा 11वीं सदी के मुहम्मद मोमिन जैसे उत्कृष्ट कैलिग्राफरों की कृतियों (वैसलिस) समेत 11वीं सदी की सिंहासन बतीसी, बैताल पचीसी, अबुलफजल की कृतियां, त्रिपुरसुन्दरी पटलम, गर्ग संहिता जैसे ग्रन्थ एवं पाण्डुलिपियां हैं।

‘इस लाइब्रेरी की मुगलकालीन सचित्र पाण्डुलिपियों में तो कुछ ऐसी हैं जो खुदाबख्श खान आरियन्टल पब्लिक लाइब्रेरी में भी नहीं हैं।’ बिहार अभिलेखागार के पूर्व सहायक निदेशक डा॰ मासूम रजा काजमी कहते हैं। ‘और कुछ पाण्डुलिपियां तो ऐसी हैं जिनकी दूसरी प्रति आप और कहीं नहीं पा सकते।’ काजमी कहते हैं। जितनी अद्भुत यह लाइबे्ररी है उससे कहीं अद्भुत इसकी कहानी है।

राजा भरत सिंह के वंशज गोपालनारायण सिंह ने इस लाइब्रेरी की स्थापना सन् 1912 ईस्वी में ब्रिटिश भारत में सम्राट के दिल्ली में ताजपोशी के अवसर पर पटना के तत्कालीन कलक्टर मि॰ प्रेन्टिस के हाथों करवाई थी। गोपालनारायण सिंह राजा बनारस के दामाद थे। राजा बनारस से उपहारस्वरूप उन्हें अनेक दुर्लभ बहुमूल्य पाण्डुलिपियां मिली। जिनमें ताड़ के पत्ते पर महाभारत, त्रिपुरसुन्दरी पटलम, तुलसीकृत रामायण, सिकन्दरनामा, शाहनामा, वैसलिस (कैलिग्राफी के बेहतरीन एवं दुर्लभ नमूने) तथा कई अन्य प्राचीन तथा मुगलकालीन ग्रन्थ थे। बाद के दिनों में गोपालनारायण सिंह ने और भी बहुमूल्य, दुर्लभ पाण्डुलिपियों का संग्रह किया।

उनके एक वंशज रघुराज नारायण सिंह ने सन् 1956 ईसवी में एक दानपत्र के जरिए इस लाइब्रेरी को सार्वजनिक तो बनाया किन्तु एक शर्त यह रख दी कि पाण्डुलिपियां भरतपुरा की लाइब्रेरी में ही रहे और उनके परिवार के उत्तराधिकारी ही इसके सचिव रहें।

लाइब्रेरी के कर्ताधर्ताओं को इन पाण्डुलिपियों के महत्व का अंदाजा नहीं था। शायद इसलिए यह लाइब्रेरी बरसों यूं ही उपेक्षित पड़ी रही। तभी पटना से दो रिसर्च स्कालर डा॰ क्यामुद्दीन अहमद (बाद के दिनों के प्रसिद्ध इतिहासकार) और  एस.एन. शर्मा 1960 के आसपास शोध के लिए लाइब्रेरी में पहुंचे। यहां उन्होंने शाहनामा की मूल प्रति, सिकन्दरनामा, वैसलिस और मुताला-उल-हिन्द की पाण्डुलिपियां देखीं तो चैंक उठे। के.पी. जायसवाल रिसर्च इंस्टीच्यूट की 1962-63 की वार्षिक रिपोर्ट में दोनों की एक रिपोर्ट छपी, जिसमें इन पाण्डुलिपियों का विवरण था। इधर रिपोर्ट छपी और उधर भरतपुरा लाइब्रेरी चर्चित होने लगी। 1964 के बाद विदेशी भी यहां आने लगे। डा॰ अहमद के साथ आनेवाले अमेरिका के डा॰ हौजर संभवतः पहले विदेशी थे।

अब तस्करों की इस पर नजर पड़ी। तस्करों ने वजीर हैदर नामक एक व्यक्ति को लाइब्रेरी में शोधार्थी के रूप में भेजा। वह नियमित रूप से लाइब्रेरी में आने लगा। वह लाइब्रेरी का सदस्य भी बन गया। एक दिन मौका पाकर उसने सिकन्दरनामा से एक सचित्र पन्ना चुरा लिया। उसने उसे दिल्ली स्थित एक ऐंटिक डीलर को दो हजार रुपये में बेचा। तब उसे इसकी वास्तविक कीमत का पता चला।

इस बीच पटना के टी. आर. खान को भी इन पाण्डुलिपियों का पता चला। वह प्राचीन कलाकृतियों में दिलचस्पी रखता था और उसे उसकी समझ भी थी। खान से पटना के एक मशहूर ज्वेलर्स को भी इन पाण्डुलिपियों का पता चला। वह प्राचीन कलाकृतियों का व्यापार करता था।

दोनों ने लाइब्रेरी के सचिव धु्रवपद नारायण सिंह को पटाने की कोशिश की और मुंहमांगी कीमत पर पाण्डुलिपियों को बेच देने को कहा। किन्तु, उन्होंने इसे पूर्वजों की धरोहर मानते हुए बेचने से इनकार कर दिया। तब खान और हैदर ने पाण्डुलिपियों को उड़ा लेने की योजना बनायी। वे ऐसे अपराधियों को जानते थे, जो पैसे लेकर कलाकृतियां चुराया करते थे। चोरी के एक महीने पहले हैदर ने उन्हें वह जगह दिखला दी जहां पाण्डुलिपियां रखी थी। पाण्डुलिपियां कितनी कीमती और दुर्लभ हैं इसका अंदाजा सचिव को भी नहीं था, इसलिए यह ऐसे ही असुरक्षित एक टेबुल के उपर पड़ी रहती थी। सो एक दिन 8 जनवरी 1973 की रात पाण्डुलिपियां चुरा ली गयीं।

अगले दिन स्थानीय थाना को उसकी सूचना दी गयी। थानेदार को यकीन नहीं हो पा रहा था कि पुरानी पुस्तकों की चोरी भी हो सकती है। इधर चोरी का हल्ला उठा और बिहार विधानसभा में सरकार निरूत्तर रह गयी। मामला विकट होता गया और इसकी गूंज लोकसभा में हुई। उसी वर्ष जून में तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री श्रीमती इन्दिरा गांधी ने यह सारा मामला सी.बी.आई. को सौंप दिया। डी.एस.पी. बलराम दूबे के नेतृत्व में जांच चलने लगा।

अब तस्कर घबराये। तब तक वे इन सारी चीजों को मुम्बई, दिल्ली, बनारस स्थित ऐंटिक डीलरों के हाथ बेच चुके थे। 1 जनवरी 1974 को सी.बी.आई. ने तीन व्यक्तियों को गिरफ्तार कर लिया। तीनों व्यक्ति वजीर हैदर, टी.आर. खान और बाकर हसन खान ने अपराध स्वीकार करते हुए उन सारे लोगों के पते दिये जिन्होंने इसे खरीदे थे। चार पाण्डुलिपियों में से तीन सिकन्दरनामा, शाहनामा और वैसलिस तो मिल गयी किन्तु मुताला-उल-हिन्द का तब पता नहीं चल सका था। बाद के दिनों में इंटरपोल ने उसे भी केलिफोर्निया के निकट एलिजा नामक स्थान पर बरामद कर लिया।

फारसी साहित्य में फिरदौसी (सन् 1009 ईसवी) का शाहनामा अद्भुत कृति मानी जाती है। इसमें पर्शिया (ईरान) के इतिहास एवं संस्कृति का काव्यात्मक चित्रण है। 60 हजार पद्यों वाली इस सचित्र पाण्डुलिपि में सोने एवं नीलम से बनी बेहद खूबसूरत तस्वीरें हैं। यह बेहद साफ-सुथरे ढंग से सोने के रंगों से 4 कालमों में लिखी हुई है।

सिकन्दरनामा (सन् 1200 ईसवी) में शेख निजामी द्वारा तैयार किया गया था। इसमें महान सिकन्दर के जन्म, उसके साहसिक कारनामों, उसकी विजयगाथा का सचित्र वर्णन है। सिकन्दरनामा शानदार लिखावट और उत्कृष्ट तस्वीरों से भरा हुआ है।

अकबर के दरबार के मशहूर चित्रकार बसावन की पेंटिंग ‘साधु’ इस लाइब्रेरी की एक खास धरोहर है। यह तस्वीर कागज पर काली स्याही से बनायी गयी है। बसावन कितना महत्वपूर्ण रहा है इसका अंदाजा इस बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि उसकी अन्य कृतियां बोदलियन लाइब्रेरी, इंडिया आफिस लाइब्रेरी लंदन, मेट्रोपालिटन म्यूजियम, न्यूयार्क में रखी हैं।

‘जब मैंने इस लाइब्रेरी को पहली बार देखा था तो मुझे घोर आश्चर्य हुआ था कि दूर गांव में इतनी समृद्ध लाइब्रेरी भी हो सकती है। और वह किला जिस पर लाइब्रेरी की इमारत है, वह स्वयं में पुरातत्व की खान है। जहां भी मैंने खुदाई करवाई, वहां प्राचीन सिक्के एवं अन्य पुरातत्व की वस्तुएं मिली थी।’ बिहार पुरातत्व के पूर्व निदेशक डा0 प्रकाश शरण प्रसाद ने यह बात कही थी।

वर्षों उपेक्षित रही इस लाइब्रेरी पर अब लोगों की नजर पड़ी है। वर्तमान सरकार ने भी इसके संरक्षण, संवर्धन के लिए एक बड़ी राशि दी है। लाइब्रेरी का नया भवन एक निर्माण हो रहा है। नेशनल मैन्युस्क्रिप्ट मिशन, नई दिल्ली यहां कैटलागिंग का काम कर रहा है। साथ ही शोधार्थियों, दर्शकों का आना-जाना भी बढ़ गया है।

स्टेनगनधारी पुलिसकर्मियों से घिरी ऐसी दुर्लभ लाइब्रेरी को यदि आपने न देखी हो तो भरतपुरा लाइब्रेरी हो आईये-सड़क से मुड़ते ही सामने दिखाई देंगे हरे-भरे खेत और फिर एक उंचा सा टीला और उस पर एक छोटी-सी पुरानी इमारत।

Tuesday 12 April 2016

The journey route of Siddhartha

The journey route of Prince Siddhartha, a subject matter of research since 1812 when the East India Company took very serious efforts to create a record of Bihar’s history with Buddha being its pivot, is claimed to have been discovered by a team of historians comprising Indian, Japanese and German scholars.

“Mahabhinishkramana”, the most important chapter of Jataka says after leaving his royal palace of Kapilavastu (now in Nepal), Siddhartha crossed the Anoma River to wander through the thick jungles, villages and different towns to reach Bodh Gaya where he attained the enlightenment beneath the Banyan Tree.

According to the ex-Director of K. P. Jaisawal Research Institute Dr. Jagdishwar Pandey, the Buddhist scriptures mentioned the names of those places trodden by Siddhartha to reach to Uruvilla or Bodhgaya, the historians could not draft the ancient itinerary followed by him as their names changed totally over the last 2550 years.

Dr. Phil Gustav Roth (German Indologist, Buddhist scholar and retired professor of Gottingen University), Prof. Zuiryu Nakamura (Japanese historian) and Dr. Pandey spent nearly 26 years to finally discover Siddhartha’s journey route with the exact names of cities, villages and jungles.

Their names existing in the 6th century B.C. when Siddhartha started his Odyssey changed in such a way that they do not at all match with the present ones. The Mughal era — 1526 to 1857— saw their total transformation with Arabic and Persian names replacing the ancient ones pronounced in the dialects like Maithili, Magahi, Angika, Bajjika and Bhojpuri.

Mahabhinishkramana, says Siddhartha left Kapilavastu on a full moon night of Asada month in a chariot driven by horse Kanthaka and guided by charioteer Chandak to reach Anoma River. On crossing that river, he ordered Chandak to return to Kapilavastu and he exchanged his robe for saffron ones of a hunter.

After shaving the hair with his sword, Siddhartha begin his jungle wandering to traverse through a large number of places to finally reach Bodhgaya. Nearly 25 places among them, including Vaishali, Kesaria, Bettiah, Lauria Areraj and Pataliputra, them are very important

The team of Dr. Pandey, Dr. Roth and Prof. Nakamura created the map of Siddhartha’s journey route in 1996 and named it as “Itinerary of The Buddha”. It is going to be published in Japan and Germany also very shortly. Both Dr. Roth and Prof. Nakamura have crossed 90.

Fa Hien and Hieun Tsang, the two famous Chinese travelers, also had traced the journey route from Kapilavastu to Bodh Gaya via flood ravaged northern and drought prone central parts of Bihar.

While Dr. Roth lived in Bihar for a very long stretch of time, Prof. Nakamura visited Nepal for 17 times to carry out researches on Buddha. This Japanese scholar also had lived in Bihar for a long time. These three historians made extensive archaeological excavations in Nepal and Bihar to discover the journey route of Siddhartha.

Saturday 9 April 2016

Treasures of Nalanda

Tolling of bells  from the near by temples awoke me from my deep slumber . Jumping through the open window the morning sun has scattered on my bed . Where was I , could not ascertain all on a sudden . Accidentaly I set my eyes on the remparts hidden behind the trees across the window . Abruptly every thing appears on the canvas of my memory . They were remparts of Nalanda remains of the oldest world famous ancient university . The sound  imitting from the bell was coming from the olden sun temple  erected on the nearby pond . I came here yesterday.

Although, I had visited this place to have a glimpses of these remparts earlier also , but like those tourists who came to see new places . But my this visit was not like that . Few days back , by going through the travel accounts of Hiuen Tsang - a Chinese traveller who compiled the same after his visit to this university -  a English version of the same by Samuel Beal in 1884 , I could have possesed a new vision in respect of this place . Famous writer " V.S.Naipal's verdict - " appreciation grows with knowledge " holds good. Due to my detailed study I could get a new  vision.

These were the days of rainy season . In this season , the number of  tourist  visiting such places  dwindles  down . But during these days  the dust and dirts of the summer come down on the earth due to rain and the sky become transparent , one experience unique feeling in roaming around the rempart or the ancient buildings .

And other party of tourist was ahead me . They have engaged a local guide for guidance . The guide  had been  furnishing interesting informations about ancient University of Nalanda .  The sharp and fascinating voice of the guide was audible to me also .

"1235 AD. The mighty sun was shining with all its vigour - it was pouring all the fire that it could on the earth making it intensely hot . It was a hot summer day . The monastery - cum-university of Nalanda - the nerve centre of Buddhism - was in flames . The dancing flames of fire were leaping  out quite unmindful of the fact that the earth's best seat of learning was getting reduced to ashes.

Dharnaswamy , the Tibetan lama , was moving like a shuttle -cock from one corner of the University to another to save its aged Chancellor . Somehow or 0the other he would save him from the attackers , but not  the University . it got ruined . Only the ruins of ancient Nalanda University remains today . It is indeed a living page of history. "

Even as an uncanny calm prevailed , the tourists stood transfixed at the spot from which the ancient ruins of Nalanda University lay yonder . Spell - bound by the above narrations of the guide , they all were gazing both at  him and the ruins of ancient Nalanda University .

It was a strange, eerie feeling indeed . Is it what people call miracles of history ?

Lifeless stones they may be yet , the stony walls of ancient Nalanda University are really full of life . History vibrates here .

While facing these stones we found ourselves in a different era - in a time zone of history where each and every word from books on the ancient past virtually came alive .

The guide moved towards the monsatery . I found myself at the nerve centre of the ruins ." Once there was a big library here . this too was burnt down by invaders .... all the priceless books were reduced to ashes .." Except for tall grasses  there was practically nothing at that place . But it is a fact there existed  three big libraries in the " Dhammaganj " faculty of the ancient Nalanda University . The guide moved ahead .

Suddenly , I heard sounds of people talking amongst themselves . they were students of architecture from Aurangabad in Maharshtra state who were on a college trip . They had come to study the architecture of the ancient ruins.

Nalanda University was originally a Buddhist Vihar ( monstery ) . A large number of monks lived there . In
Buddhist literature  Nalanda plays a pivotal role . This University produced such scholars like Sariputra and Moudgalyan . Sariputra  was the chief disciple of Lord Buddha and he was conferred with the epithet of " DHarma Senapati " . He was born in a  small hamlet . Sarichak , lying on the eastern side of the ruins of Nalanda , its original name as per Buddhist literature was Nalak .

With the passage of time his birth place may have acquired the name Sarichak after his name Sariputra .
The importance of Nalanda as a Buddhist monastery had begun during the lifetime of Lord Buddha who visited Nalanda  several times . Once he lived there for a full year . In later years Emperor Ashoka built a massive shrine and vihar at Nalanda .

According to Taranath , an expert  on Tibetan history , Nalanda took the shape of a centre of learning due to the efforts of Emperor Ashoka . It was considered the best place of learning in the Magadh empire . Nalanda was considered the apex centre for lietrature and education .  Scholars from far  flung pockets of China , Japan . Tibet , Siam ( Thailand ) . Burma ( Myanmar ) . Malaya  and other parts of Central as well as South - East Asia thronged to Nalanda University .

The University imparted  teachings on philosophy , literature , medicine and Buddhism besides philosophies of Brahmanism and Jainism . To gain entry into this university a student had to prove his mastery in grammar , prose and poetry , logic and metaphysics . The famous Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang wrote : " Over 40 percent of the students failed to pass the entry test .... it was really  very difficult to get an entry into Nalanda."

The standard of education was very high . To get details of this university we have to refer to the travelogue
of Hiuen Tsang who studied there for two years . he writes  " Appearing like a tall mountain  due to its sky - kissing minarets , obelisks and domes , the university was an island of peace . The laboratory emitted vapours in the morning while a cool breeze entered into the rooms through  its massive windows . The lotus emerging out  of the crystal - clear lakes further added beauty to Nalanda .Teachers lived in a four - storeyed building with serpentine staircases . Nalanda can really be a matter of pride for any country . "

From the temple site - 3 , as archaelogists have named the main part of the ruins , I can see the galleries located below with stuccos built on them . I took out the picture postcards brought out by the Archaelogist Department which I had purchased . With their help I tried to recognize the stuccos . Though some of them were damaged  due to ravages of time they are still unparalleled  in their artistic beauty .

The site is surrounded by a cluster of smaller stupas ( domes ) . it is the place where Lord Buddha stayed for three months to deliver discourses on religion . In Templesite - 2 was once a stone temple . Nearly 200 samll statues decorate it - their theme have been derived from religious books on Hinduism . On the right one can see remains of monasteries .

Hiuen Tsang's  account of this  temple says that within the Nalanda monastery there were eight largely extended rooms and 300 cells . The massive conference hall was divided into ten parts . The students lived in 300 homes . There were massive libraires which contained a very rich collection of books on Hinayana , Mahayana , Brajyana Buddhism and on other religious sects . To meet the running cost of this library the contemporarykings had donated hundreds of villages . The  library had its own seal . The University did not restricts itself to imparting bookish knowledge  only but specialized training was given in sculptural art as well . Students were taught how to prepare stone and bronze  statues . The unearthing of fire places and moulds corroborates this fact . Students wre taught the use of copper and other metals . Famous,historian  Cunningham , described  the statues found in Nalanda as the best example of Indian sculptural art . Students were also taught to create manuscripts  with figures painted on them .

Nalanda University had a  galaxy of eminent scholars - Aryaveda , Sheelbhadra , Dharmpala , Chandragomen , Shanta Rashkit , padmasabhav , Kamalsheel , Sthirmati , Buddhakirti , Kumarshree and Sumati sen . Shanta Raskhit merits special mention for during his time the University assumed global fame . At the invitation of Tibetan king , Grin Di- ut Tsan he went to Tibet , the " Roof of the World " and remained there till the demise of the king . In the 8th century , at the time of Padmasambhav , scholar extraordinaire , the Lamistic tradition took birth in Tibet .

" Invaders destroyed Nalanda University with extreme brutality .." Led by the guide tourists reach the point from where they had started and the guide continues " .. the half burnt bricks , burnt pieces of rice .. damaged doors .. all bear testimony to how ferocious the attack must have been .. they have been excavated  by archaeologists and , if you wish , they can be seen in the museum  ... " The guide led the tourists out of the main exit of the ruins .

Getting there.
By Air;The nearest air port is Patna (93km) By Rail : The nearest rail head on Delhi - Howrah main line is Bakhtiarpur, 38 Km, though the loop line connects Nalanda. By Road :Nalanda is  connected by road to Patna, Rajgir, Gaya and Delhi/ Kolkata. Bihar state Tourism Development Corporation Organizes trips to Nalanda, Rajgir and Gaya from its headquarters, Tourist Bhawan, BeerChand Patel path, Patna -800001. Tel : 0612- 2225411 Fax 0612-2236218 Where to stay -Tourists prefer to stay at Rajgir, 15 Km from Nalanda. There are number of Moderately priced hotels available in Rajgir. There are Tourist Bunglows runby BSTDC.